Gambar kawin kami 4 tahun yang lalu. Masing-masing nampak kurus ajer tapi sekarang, oooi kusmangat, naik badan!!! :D
Tunggu punya tunggu tak sampai-sampai surat temu janji dari doctor untuk aku ketemu gynaecologist. James suruh aku telepon Doc Brown hari ini, tapi terlupa pulak… Mungkin Isnin nanti baru telepon lah!
Kira-kira dua minggu lepaslah agaknya, aku pergi jumpa Doc Brown untuk mendapatkan keputusan ujian darah tempoh hari… Rasa gerund/gementar adalah sebab tak tahu menahu apa yang akan diperkatakan oleh Doc Brown… So far Doc kata darah okay… Adalah dia jelaskan ini dan itu but then tak take in langsung asalkan doc kata semua okay, kira lega rasanya kan? Then at the end, Doc Brown kata:
Doc: There’s one thing that you should know. You might have what they call it Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome… It means that one of your ovaries seems to be overcrowded with cysts so that’s why you have an irregular menstrual cycle …
MJ: Come again Doc? Are telling me that one of ovary is not functioning? What happen then? Will everything be okay? Anything that I should worry about?
Doc: If you’re trying to get pregnant, it might take you a longer period of time due to the cysts attach to your ovary…
MJ: Oooh… But possibility I can have children right?
Doc: Oh yes! You can get pregnant and like I say, it might just take a longer period… When do you and your husband plan to have a baby?
MJ: Well, we are planning this year or next but…
Doc: Well, that’s all right then… Don’t worry, what I’ll do is, I’ll make an appointment for you to see the gynaecologist and from there they will do a scan and just see how far the cycts have spread… At this moment, all you can do is just take good care of yourself, take some supplements and just wait for the appointment letter that I will post to you. All right?
MJ: Yah, okay… Thanks Doc! See you later! (Much, much later…)
Jadi, begitulah sedikit sebanyak perbualan antara aku dan Doc Brown… Tak terkata aku… Mula-mula, ingat tak lah teruk sangat kan? Mungkin ini hanya spekulasi Doc ajer, tapi bila aku balik opis, terus aku check on the internet untuk mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut apakah itu Polysctyic Ovary Snydrome (PCOS). Di bawah ini ada aku attach kajian aku: (In Summary) -
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) also known as Stein-Leventhal syndrome or functional ovarian hyperandrogenism, is a complex endocrine disorder associated with a long-term lack of ovulation (anovulation) and an excess of androgens (male hormones, e.g., testosterone).
The disorder is characterized by the formation of eight or more follicular cysts of 10 mm or smaller in the ovaries, a process related to the ovary's failure to release an egg (ovum). PCOS is one of the most frequent causes of infertility.
Symptoms may include various menstrual problems, hirsutism (excessive body or facial hair), endocrine abnormalities, acne, obesity, infertility, diabetes with insulin resistance or hyperinsulinemia. Even if specific symptoms are not causing an immediate problem, PCOS can have significant long-term effects, including diabetes, heart disease, and endometrial or breast cancer, so seeking treatment is critical.PCOS treatment decisions depend on symptoms, age, whether or not the patient wants to become pregnant, and the degree of ovarian, adrenal and androgen excess. First line management includes diet modification, weight loss and stress reduction since obesity and stress can contribute to androgen excess. Other management and treatment approaches are directed at addressing specific symptoms (i.e. acne, excess hair growth, menstrual problems, infertility) and at preventing long-term complications, given that PCOS can begin in adolescence or earlier.Some PCOS symptoms (acne, menstrual irregularity) may affect body image and self-esteem, and may be of concern, especially in adolescent girls.
More Info On PCOS
Aku bagitau Lady Bos perbualan antara aku dan Doc Brown dan dia kata kawannya juga ada mengidap PCOS seperti aku… Katanya, kawannya telah menjalani operasi untuk mengeluarkan cystsnya tujuh tahun yang lalu dan selepas operasinya, doktor memberikannya ubat untuk dimakan setiap hari… Doktornya kata dia boleh mengandung selepas operasinya dan selalu makan ubat yang diberikan tapi tujuh tahun telah berlalu dan apabila dia pergi check up, doctornya kata dia infertile, tak boleh ada anak… Bila aku dengar ajer cerita itu, aku dah cuak! Alamak, abih macam mana nih?
Aku beritahu James bila aku pulang rumah dan dia kata jangan assume itu dan ini lah, tunggu jer surat dari doctor dan lepas itu baru kita boleh decide what to do… Betul jugak lah katanya... James kata berdoa jelah kepada yang maha Esa semoga ianya tidaklah begitu serious dan jika memanglah kita tidak boleh dikurniakan anak, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there…
Kakak kata takper, jaga kesihatan, makan supplement, makan ubat tradisional, berdoa kepada Allah swt… Kita yang merancang, Tuhan yang menetukan semuanya kan… Aku hanya boleh redha dengan apa yang diberikan olehNya…