Thursday, February 09, 2006

Mimpi Yang Aneh?

“…We regret to inform you that your ballot application for the 2006 BUPA Great North Run has been unsuccessful. All successful ballot applicants have until midnight 23rd February 2006 to confirm their application, after which if there are any unclaimed places a further ballot will be drawn. Should you be successful in any further ballot we will inform you by March 1st.”

I was so looking forward for the BUPA Great North Run and to receive that e-mail this morning really dampen my spirits. Oh well! You lose some you win some right?

So last night I dreamt of MiMi, my very old school friend who went MIA on us. I couldn’t bring to mind exactly what the dream was about but all I knew that she was really up in arms with me for some reason. For what reason I don’t know but this wasn’t the first time that I dreamt about her…

The very first time when I dreamt of her was few months back and I told R about it. She told me that if I dream of Mimi three nights in a row it means that she’s either in trouble or calling for help (I think) but no, not 3 nights in a row. And yesterday, she entered my dream for the second time... Dum dum duuuummmmm. I think we were at R’s wedding and seeing her I walked towards her hoping that I could talked to her and wanting to give her a hug but then she gave me the cold shoulder… and after that the dream just ended coz I awoken by the feeling of coldness and realised that James took my share of the quilt! Patutlah kesejukan!!! Of course I yanked the quilt from him - my share of the quilt and gave him a bollocking which in turn all I heard from him was a grunt… Hee! Hee!

Well, what do you expect when its like 2 in the morning! Need to persuade him to get a King Size bed since he said that I took most of the space – which I don’t agree at all!!!! What to do, my butt little bit big so need more space! Sorry darling!!!


bunkerangs said...

sounds so familiar. teringat first time moved here...king size bed was winter and one night..the second night actually..i woke up feeling very very cold..kind not sure where i was and then realised that i was not in singapore anymore. looked around for the comforter only to find that he had hogged it ,,and then cari lah sheet kan..i sat up only to see that the sheet dah dililit around his neck like a scarf..boleh gitu...wahhh...apa lagi..kejut ler i berleter..hehehe

Yara said...

MJ, kalau kita kat sini kekadangtu kalau boleh nak tanggal aje pakaian sebab kepanasan. Tapi taklah gitukan. Bila air-con dah on pun sejuk, especially early hours of the morning. My missus pulak tak tahan sejuk sangat, boleh kejung. I tak kisah sangatlah..sejuk ke, panas ke. Sebab, tiap-tiap malam tidur tak lena..mesti kena bangun buatkan susu si kecik tu. Jadi tak pernah dapat tidur throughout sampai pagi.

SimplyMas said...

BUnkerangs... I hear what you're saying. First time winter here, I had on my thick socks, sweatshirt and warm pants to sleep... It was too cold and now still can never get used to it!!! Hee! Hee!!! Mesti kena berleter to let them know kan???!!!

YASLAM: I can still remember bila in Singapore when it's really hot, like you say rasa macam nak tanggalkan baju ajer sebab kepanasan... Really miss that feeling!!! :D It's good to hear too that the daddy butkan susu!!! Hee! Hee!!! ;D

Anonymous said...

Dearest Mas.. Just wanna ask whether is it true that if u dreamt of the person 3 times.. it means trouble on that person's nyer side.. ??
I dreamt of someone and its like 3 nites in a row...
Anyway.. MIMI was the 1 who deserted us... we tried our best to find her but nah... zero results.. U just take care n hope to see u cunn... heheheh
thanx 4 viewing my site... :)
