Monday, February 27, 2006

What's Its Like?

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So who's to say whether they'll make it or not!
Who's to say that they are not right for one another and that cik anu binti manu is better?
Who's to say that what their doing is wrong?
Who's to say that their decision will be disastrous?
Who's to judge their fate?
Who's to say that they deserve what they get even though they deserve it but who's to say?
Who's to say that's the car or house for them?
Who's to say that they are acting stupid?
Who's to say this and that when they don't even know what they are on about?

I donno, you figure it out!

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These slippers have kept me warm since last winter... They've done me proud, still intact, still in good condition kowing how I tend to abuse and amuse my slippers in the past and the coolest and most childish thing of all about this slippers are when you walk, lights appear from the stars... How cool is that? So, who's to say that I can't have this kiddie slippers? It amuses me everytime the lights appear and James always make sure that the lights are always working but hitting it hard on the palm of his hand everytime the lights seems to be disappearing! Like a kid again who gets excited over small things...

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I find it hard to concetrate while driving now... Why you asked? Well, that's because whenever we pass those beautiful big houses along Shelf Road, they've got a FOR SALE sign above/under/infront of it and it tempt me to look... And I will go, "Wah! Look at that house!" and he'll go, "Look where you going! Concentrate will you!" and I will go, "I am! I am! But look at those houses!" and he'll say, "Too expensive, can't afford!" and I go, "Well, in June we can afford..." and he goes, "Hmmmm... we'll see!" and my heart and head goes, "Yaaaahhhoooo!!!! Yipppeeee!!! Yippy doo dah, yippy di deh! Adeh!!!!"

That's basically our conversation when in the car... You realise that you've got not much to say when you're in the car and it's early morning.... Oh well!! Sing with me!


Kay said...

I like ur weet, pinkish n especially the wordings on it...very much like me..harhar

SimplyMas said...

My first ever slippers and it does keep me warm! Love it!