Sunday, October 29, 2006

It Arrived...

Saturday the 28th... All ready to go to Milah's place. Left home at about 10.30am. James decided that the first half of the journey, I should drive which was really nerve wrecking for me but at the same time I was quite excited! Well, I've never driven that far before so this will be a big challenge for me, lagi-lagi time kita nih pregnant - mana nak tahan buang air kecik etc... Time that it will take to our destination will be about 3 and half hours but oh how wrong we were. Once we were on the motorway, I can't recall how many road congestion there were! It was horrendous!!! So Jane, our SatNav decided to take us to a different route so to avoid more congestion and I guess that's why it took us longer than we hope for (5 hours you!). After 2 hours of driving, we decided to stop at the service station for some lunch and swap driver... We drove down to M1 and again, the road was congested with road works, so again Jane, our SatNav decided to take us to another different route and took us a further half hour journey extra to our time... But nevertheless, after all the driving and en-routing we arrived at 3.30pm!!! Keluar rumah pukul 10.30am sampai rumah Milah at 3.30pm - punyalah penat and panas my bontot... Miraculously I didn't fall asleep as a passenger like in the past where bila kita hit motorway ajer, my eyelids gets heavy and I will be off to lala land... What a difference. We had a great time - I know I had a great time. Sampai rumah Milah jer, terus I scan the food laying on the table. Apa taknyer, lapar betul!!! Hee hee!!! The food look so mengancam but of course I tak attack the food straightaway - malu seh! Takkan datang rumah orang terus attack makanan bila puan rumah belum offer... Iskh!!! Makanlah kuih-muih yang ada sikit dulu. James pulak glued to the cricket on telly so that's okay... No need to worry about him... Dapatlah jumpa kawan2 Milah yang gerek semua. Ada Indonesian, Malaysian and Singaporean. Macam back in Singapore gituk bila everyone get together, bual-bual campur English and Malay. It was great! Once dah offer apa lagi terus I attack the food... Ada Rendang Daging power, nasi minyak, this one dish I terlupa namanya - ada tempe dengan ikan bilis digoreng dengan samabl - aaah, itu power, even James love it! Kuih muih semua ada... Macam-macam lah makanan ada sampai tak teringat kita! Hee hee!!! Tapi memang sedap sampai menjilat Jari!!!

Met this cool and very nice Indonesian lady called Netty from Bali (I think that's how her name spelled - tak ingat kita) and she is 8 months pregnant but still look really good :)... I envy dia! This will be her third child katanya. I was unable to get her number, but she got mine so hopefully dia telepon lah kita kalau dia boring2...

So lepas dah kenyang, penat dah berbual-bual, tengok time dah pukul 8.30pm, so kita kenalah mintak diri dulu. Ingat nak stay over at Milah's tapi since James kena kerja the next day, terpaksalah kita drive home on that day itself. Sampai rumah around midnite apa lagi, balik terus tidor - takde tunggu2 lagi!

Will sambung again later about our next Eid visit to Anna house pulak the week after... dengan gambar sekali! So you all can see me dengan my perut yang besar... hee hee!

Iskh! I want to upload some pictures that my sis hantar, but tak keluar pulak... Will try again later!


Anonymous said...

wahhh..bestnyer dapat gi jalan hari raya. dapat makan lauk pauk raya dapat cakap melayu..huwaaaaaa! mana nak cari orang melayu kat kansas ni eh..hehehe.

Prince Romp said...

Selamat Hari Raya maaf zahir batin ( If it's not too latelah ).
Glad to noe u pon dapat makan rendang kat sana...
See u in 3 1/2 mths.. uwek uwek.

SimplyMas said...

BUNKERANGS: Nanti kita one family datang Kansas. Kita celebrate Raya sama2... Tapi bila agaknya eh? Nak jugak terbang ker Amerika!

PRINCE ROMP: Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir 7 Batin... Tak, tak lambat... Memang sodap makan rendang, sambal tumis, sayur lodeh... semuanya lah!!! InsyaAllah, hope to see you!!!!