Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Sorry it Took this Long!

Wow! 2006 already eh? Out goes the the old - 2005... It's already the 3rd January and I've got only about one more day before I go back to work... Looking forward to it? I suppose... Nought to do at home so going back to work will filled up my time and also I'm able to lose those holiday, Christmas, New Year pounds...

So, how long has it been since my last entry? Well, first and foremost, I apologise to all my friends for the late entry in 2006... The reason?

Well, firstly, we didn't get back from Skipton till the 30th of January and found out that computer was not functioning so, unable to log in. On the 31st we went to a New Year's Eve Party to celebrate the coming New year with friends and family... Therefore, at long last, I can sit down and write my entries...

Anyway, today, Lucy, Sheila and myself went off to York for a shopping spree and boy was it a shopping spree... Never realise how biy the City Centre in York was! What did I buy? Bought myself a red flowery dress for only 10 pound (it's on Sale) which I will wear to the Miss Saigon show in Manchester this Saturday and a sweater for only 5 pound and loads of books for my reading pleasure... We spend almost 4 hours shopping - walking around The City Cente and just exploring - the shops that is...

At long last! I found a pair of boots that fit me perfectly considering that I've got huge calves and it's always difficult to get the right pair... And so for only 25 pound (it was half price) I manage to find myself these lovely pairs of boots :-

So, whatya think? It's great for the winter isn't it? BUT when I got home, apparently I've got a similar pair of boots and with the same colour! I tell you, before I bought it, I was actually contemplating between a dark brown and this one and I chose this one obviously! But never mind, this will be my 'outing' boots!

So, this is just part of the City Centre in York that I manage to take... The battery was low

Anyway, I had a great time - we all did and it's well worth the journey! We didn't drive up to York but instead we took a train from Brighouse to York coz it will be very expensive for parking and also none of us were that bothered to drive that far actually...

So anyway, right now I am totally knackered but before I go, I'm gonna post some New Year pictures we took at a party... And Yes, I do look larger than life and yes I do need to shed those excess pounds and yes... my face is as round as a ball... but nevertheless, enjoy the pictures!

Oh, and also, did I tell you what I get for Christmas from my in-laws? Well... it's something unexpected and really, really, AWESOME...

2 return tickets to Singapore to surprise my parents! Can you believe it? I can't believe it, but they did bought for us the plane tickets!!! They did, they did!!!! We've got to use the tickets within the 6 months period, so, we plan to take our holidays and fly back to Singapore in April... and again in August for R's wedding for sure!

So, my dear Singapore friends, shall we meet up for a proper Singaporean Buffett that I miss soo much????

Will let y'all know the EXACT date!!!! And If any of my cousins read this, PLEASE don't tell your mum coz I know it will get back to my parents... This is going to be a surprise for them and I am ecstatic!!! I am sooo looking forward to this!!! But only sis know about this as I wanted her to take some holiday from work...

SINGAPORE, here we come...

PS: Apple! Thanks for the tip... We are actually planning take my parents and sis to Langkawi while we're out there in Singapore and with the information you gave me, it will really help alot! This is going to be great!

Hee! Hee! These are some of the books that I bought today...


Anonymous said...

Dearie dearie, u have some awesome in-laws!!!! :D Lucky u!!! Don't forget to give me a tinkle when u come out here - maybe we can go to the Chocolate Buffet, ok!! ;)

Those are gorgeous boots!!! I'm looking for one too for my trip, but going to get it from Malaysia - much cheaper. Tried one out at Bonia, and like u, I have chunky calves, so the zipper wouldn't zip past my ankle... *sniff* So sad coz it was what I wanted and at only RM150...!! BTW, u can't return the ones u got and get the dark brown one?

Anonymous said...

Yeah awesome in-laws!

And cool! Don't forget to take note of the SUN and MOON song in Ms Saigon - my favourite! That's when the guy poured out his feelings for her and she for him:D I haven't seen it but I know it because I have the CD;)

Hey save your money for home to shop. Why don't you come back in June? It's my hols and SALE period too? Ok just a suggestion...

Hey Hartini,MJ what size are you all wearing? I bought one but haven't been able to wear it! Want to buy? I bought from Takashimaya. HOw to wear boots in this weather tell me? Bought out of impulse you see..

Good to see those victorian books. I have some to let go. Maybe I'll pass them to you when you come back? Hardcover ones. Uhm I also have a 'sex book' the Chinese Art way: The Yin-Yang Butterfly..heheh but haven't been reading it.

Anonymous said...

I checked out the comments page on the post before this...your in-laws must have heard me;)

Skater Girl said...

Indeed an awesome gift from your in-laws mamijarum. Oh!! The boots look great!! and a beauty too. :)

Anonymous said...

Apples, take photo of your boots pls :) Thanks! I usually wear 6.5 - 7 sometimes 7.5 - depends on the cutting. I think for boots I have to get a bigger size - have to put on socks to keep me toes warm :D

Anonymous said...

er...I'm a size 6...but will post the boots for your view:) Am now busy hosting 4 kids(cousins on hols!)from Indonesia!

SimplyMas said...

Hartini: I kow! Isn;t it cool! I'm just blessed to have them as my in-laws! So understanding and generous! And no, even if I want to change, not worth the journey... Too far! And yes! Chocolate Buffett for us all!!!

Apple: Will let you know how it went and maybe will take pictures too!!! Sorry Dearie... unfortunately work will be quite busy during that period! But still hope we'll meet up for Chocolate buffett!!! That will be great girl! Will buy the books from you lah!!! ;D

And girl, don't forget to post those pictures whenever you're free! thing is, in the UK I'm size 6 but in Singapore I'm size 7... How weird is that eh???

Suriyati: Thanks girl! Will be wearing those boots to the theatre!

Anonymous said...

MJ, haiya just found out my cuz just got back from UK to check out on her future mom-in-law. I would have 'kirim' something for you. duh!

Ok whatever just get your butt down here!

Can give you those books lah. Am clearing my clutters. Am planning to book a stall at holland v.'s flea market..still no dice..too many bookings so I have to wait!

Posted the boots pix, already. Check it out!

Anonymous said...

p.s. Just realized your PS.

My pleasure,hun! Hope you'll visit the island soon when you're back:) Boleh I kirim minyak gamat juga:)Kidding. Hey it's good stuff esp for cold weather!