Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Up and Away!!!!

So, he had booked his holidays from the 13th to 24th October. Gee, Thanks darleeng for discussing it with me! I am so pleased/chuffed about it… When you leave for your holiday Darleeng, to anywhere in the world, don’t forget to just drop me a postcard eh? Oh! It’s okay! Don’t worry about me, you go ahead and decide and just enjoy yourself! It’s all up to you!!! I’ll just stay here and work something out…

Grrrrr… Why does men always do this to you? They make decisions without even confronting you and then tell you about it later expecting you to go, “That’s great! I’ll tell my boss coz I’m sure they don’t have a problem!” It’s so infuriating!!! He really pissed me off when I got a phone call from him, telling me that he has booked his holiday dates from work… Uhhmmm… I work too you know and I too need to let my boss know the dates if I want to go holiday in ADVANCE so that we can work something out just in case the dates clash with something IMPORTANT!!!! I can’t just pick and choose the date anytime I want – awreet! I don’t own the company, remember?

But you’re in luck my darleeng, coz my bosses just gotta give in despite the fact that on the 19/10 & 20/10 there’s gonna be an Audit and I SHOULD be there (though I don’t really HAVE to be there coz I won’t be audited but still…) but since I lied to them & said we’ve booked something for our holiday, then, they can’t do anything but to let me have these dates! Gooorrrrr!!! (Taking this Goorrr from Scrub) It’s all your fault for being so DARN self-centred, you know!!! But still, I lup you!

I’ve waited and waited and waited AND at last, my patience is being paid off! We’re off to our first ever Holiday after 3 years of Marriage (no honeymoon for MamiJarum you know! How sad!!!!!) and it’s to Spain – Furterventura… I’m loving it! Fact is, it doesn’t really matter to me where we go – we could go to the moon and back or just to Devon or Ireland, doesn’t matter to MamiJArum so long as we have our holiday, that’s all that matters to ME…

I’m just so psyched about this holiday! I can’t wait! Hit me Baby One More Time!!! Oooh! Ooohhh!!! It’s gonna be great! We’re just gonna chilled out, enjoy the morning breeze while watching the sun rise over the beautiful beach…. It’s gonna be out of this world! I’m gonna get my bikinis (uhhmmm, {looking down at my blobs} maybe no bikinis for me, thank you very much, also, it’s fasting month ain’t it? Wrong timing dah!!!) my flip-flops, my beach hat, suntan lotion… What else? What else???? Sarongs? To cover up those diamonds on my legs… ??????? Kwuah! Kwuah! Kwuah!!! Funny is it???? 8-D


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10SC-Star said...

Reading your "Up and Away" post again it becomes clear to me that there is a huge difference between man and woman.
This guy of your tells you the great news that for the first time in three years you will go on a holiday, but instead of reacting positivly surprised (which it most probably was, a surprise), first you see all these problems, dissapointing your husband and later you get very positive. That's why we don't understand you creatures.

Cheers Mories

SimplyMas said...

Mories, Mories! It's true! I don't understand meself sometimes!!!

Heck, WE don't understand you creatures either!!!! Can be soo impossible sometimes and clueless when been hint about stuff sooo many times!!!!

FYI: It wasn't really a surprise if you must know... It's more of like CONVENIENCE for him and work!!! I gotta drag him out of the house and nag at him to go to the Travel Agent to booked our holidays... But... on a positive note, very ecstatic!!!

Anonymous said...

Mamiiiiiiii good for you! You're gonna have a blast! Tell that mories fella you were just thinking out loud la..we are made of such stuff! heheh.

Don't forget to take lots of pics ok! Lucky you!


Anonymous said...

Wow, MamiJarum gets to go to Hola Espanol! :D How romantic!! Me so excited for u!! Si si, don't forget to snap snap snap every chance u get ;)

Quoting Mories "first you see all these problems, dissapointing your husband and later you get very positive. That's why we don't understand you creatures."

I don't mean to be a prude, but don't they always teach us to write letters starting with the negative notion and ending with the positive? :)

Muddy said...

i wanna go to spain too. i think my future wife might actually be there...huhuhu...

SimplyMas said...

APPLES: Yes! Will definetely take loads of pictures like nobody's business! Women can Multitask, what can men do???? Gonna have a blast that's for sure!!!!! :-P

HARTINI: Si, si senorita (correst spelling?)!!! Me going to Espanol for a bit of rumba!!! (Eh! Is that right?) Yeeee Haaaa!!!! Suuuuuu weeeettt!!!!!

MUDDY: Tell me her name and what she looks like and I'll make sure I bring her home for you... ??????