Friday, September 30, 2005

Last Day of the Week & I feel...

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I am freakingly exhausted… Worn-out, dead beat… It's Friday.... Yah! Whatever!!!!

I wanna go Holiday right now! I wanna go away and chill out and just forget about everything NOW... RIGHT THIS VERY MOMENT!

I am so sick and tired of this job and am totally worn-out… This job is draining my energy out and I feel there’s none left… I need some stimulation! Somebody PLEASE help me out here!

Uh oh… My eyelids is giving up on me… I’m going down! Help! Help…

It’s closing in… it’s… zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I’m gone! Krroooooaaaggghhhh!!!! Drool, drool, Droooooolllll….


Anonymous said...

haha at least you have a hubby to help you with that;) don't stare at him too much lah..kesian dia...

Anonymous said...

heheheee!! It's Friday, girl!! Doesn't that make u excited! :D Ok, drink Red Bull!! :D Maybe that will help.

What do u do at your job? Tell us! Maybe we can think of ways how to make it exciting and less busy for you [if there is such a thing] *teehee*

Anonymous said...

BTW, I love that illustration! :D

Anonymous said...

Hartini, you boleh ke minum redbull? I will go jittery if i did...can't take it..

Anonymous said...

Nour c/o MJ: Red Bull terlalu manis!! Cannot swallow...! Minum kopi ok lah, but sometimes, reverse effect pulak :D

SimplyMas said...

Hartini! Friday is the day the strangely I'm not looking forward to coz every Friday the employees (only me - boss help me a bit now coz they felt guilty seeing me 'suffering' on my own) got to be a cleaner for 2 hours and clean the office - vaccuum, dusting, mopping... So tiring and... this is something I didn't sign up for when I agree to work... If I wanna be a cleaner, I will be one full time and join my mum's force... I think can get more money and at least get to pretend I live in posh places right? Hee! Hee!!!! :D

Girls! I never like Redbull! It doesn't do me any good at all! Strangely coffee too doesn't do anything to me but just love the taste of the caffeeine kicking in!!!