Monday, August 21, 2006

Susu oh susu!

I think my male boss is getting senile or just being a pain on my backside… Why did I say that? Well, this morning the milk was almost out, almost habis so they told me to ring our colleague who’s coming in work at 9am to get us a 4 pint of milk. It was only about 8.25am when he told me this but I told him that its too early to call him coz he might be in bed or something (which I don't think is true but well...), so best if I rang him at 8.45am which was better coz he’s on his way and he won’t forget. I called my colleague at 8.40am to get the milk for us and at 8.45am my male boss asked me if I rang him… Its just the tone of his voice when he asked me… Bloody hell man, its just milk! Don’t have to give me that tone! Macam boleh mati gituk kalau tak dapat susu!!!! (Sorry ah.. abit kasar! Boring lah dengan si dia nih!) Inilah kalau orang yang heavy coffee drinker!!!

Thing is, my colleague just bought a 4 pint of milk like last Wednesday and normally it lasts us about 1 week, so this time it lasted less than that. How crazy is that? They better pay my colleague the money they owe him for the milk coz I tell you, sometimes they just ignore about it! Tsk! Typical isn’t it? Anyway, that’s my ranting for this morning… Will write again about my wonderful weekend with James in my next entry…

Iskh! Pagi-pagi lagi dia dah kasi darah kita naik - pasal susu pulak tuh!!! Hee hee!


Anonymous said...

Laaahhhhh, ingatkan you berbual pasal susu badan...! *teeheeeeeee* Sampai ke situ pulak, I ni... *hehehe* Anyway, yea lah, some bosses can be so sickening, right. Pasal susu pun nak tunjuk lagak. Oh yea, u know those voodoo dolls of bosses? Kalau nampak, beli satu. So bila you boring, u boleh cabut kepala voodoo doll tu, cabut tangan, cocok dengan pen, dudukkan dia, kentotkan dia *hehehe* Lepaskan geram, kan? :) Kind of fun! Have a good week!!! :)

Yara said...

Mas, suruh your boss keep a cow in the office so tak payah susah-susah suruh orang belikan susu. Kalau lembu mati atau susu runs out sebab lembu dah tak productive lagi, gantikan dengan lembu baru. By the way, perangai boss you tu dah tentu kalahkan si lembu.heh..heh.

Kak Teh said...

mas, yes, i too thought u were going to write abt susu badan and yura's suggestion is good. Ask yr boss to keep a cow and he can milk the cow anytime he feels like having milk in his coffee. Take care.

SimplyMas said...

Dutch Lady = Hahahahaha!!! Monday punya ranting... Fedup dgn bos pasal susu! Hee hee! Nanti bila tiba masanya akan kita blog pasal susu badan! :D Erk... voodoo nih ada sikit seram... takut... tapi, kentotkan tuh yang lain sikit kan! Hahahahaa.... You pun have a good week!

YARA: Alamak Yara! Itu idea tak baguslah sebabnya silap2 yg kena perah susu tuh yang lain yang tak bukan cik puan Mas kita nih... Siapa nak jawap aaah??? Boss kita tuh memang nak kena jotos sikit!!!

KAK TEH: Susu oh susu!!! Kak Teh apa khabar? Lama tak dengar berita!! Harap dalam keadaan tenang dan sihat! Bila lah kita bole bertemu lagi kan?!!!

NONG= Tahik tuh dah kira kes lain! Tak senonoh lag hang nih! :P