Tuesday, July 25, 2006

11th Weeks 3 Days - 25/07/2006

Last night (or was it this morning, I couldn’t remember), I had this uncanny, fantastic dream that’s hard for me to comprehend of even interpret. A dream was just a dream, not really a reality but it was felt so real, so there! I wanted to say what the dream was but I’m not really sure if I should… What if I said it and the opposite happens, wouldn’t I be devastated? Whatever happens there’s always a reason behind it and Allah knows best and I leave it all to fate… If it happens the opposite then I redha… But the dream was glorious… it was wonderful and yet unreal, yet magnificent… It was the best dream I had ever and I wish it may come true, but all this will be up to the Almighty. I pray for his guide to show me the right path and I pray that the child that I’m carrying will always be healthy, beautiful, obedient, anak yang soleh… InsyaAllah… Everytime I think about the dream, it brings a smile to my face. It lights up my day… Its bright blue eyes, its smile, its laughter… One thing that I couldn’t remember was whether it’s a boy or a girl but all I can remember was its bright blue eyes, my parents, James and I… Well, it’s just a dream only ain’t it?

Today my tummy not feeling too good. Its been making noises and while in the office, I’ve been farting non stop… Ewwww… okay, I’m all alone sitting outside so there’s no one else to savour the smell of my fart plus it’s odourless… Tummy just felt like playing those drums and its making me uncomfortable. The weather’s not helping much either and the fan…. It keeps blowing on my face only making me want to just fall asleep right there and then… oh! Did I mention that last Friday, our long awaited new huge corner sofa that can have 5 or more people sleep on it has just arrived. I tell you, it’s so big that me & James just could spread ourselves whenever we lay down on it! It was magnificent!!! Will take a picture of it once I find my charger for the camera… I kinda misplaced it, hee hee! The old sofa – well, at the moment we’re not sure what we going to do with it. We have it moved against the wall in our living room and yes it does look a mess but this is just temporary okay! We think we will give it to charity – still in good condition only the covers need a bit of washing which isn’t a problem…

Last weekend as usual rang mak to see how she’s doing and just chit chatting away like we always do on the weekend. Seems like she’s having a fever but still that doesn’t stop her from telling me everything and anything and everything!!! I missed her sooo much… Told her to stay with me in the UK for 6 months while I’m on my maternity leave next year after giving birth but she says that’s a bit too long though she would love to! But at least she could put her feet up and enjoy the cold weather, keep me company and of course assist me with the baby, hee hee… I sure do need her by my side!!!

Well, that’s still a long way to go… when the time is near, we’ll see how it goes in the meantime, I’ve just got to take good care of myself, eat healthy, do some exercise (just the light and easy one) and wait for it to just grow and grow and grow until it decided to come out!!!! :D


Kak Teh said...

MJ glad u are doing well and rest on that corner sofa as much as possible.I got mine a few months back - and it has the same effect on me - i kept falling asleep.!

Husain n Co. said...

A'kum Mas!
Hey adik cayang..how are u doing?..i cannot stop grinning ear to ear abt the farting episodes:))))
You sound good there, cheery and all..syukur eh..n wat u dreamt,its good u felt good thereafter...moga2,satu petanda yg baik eh..wallhua'lam..sebab apa2 yg baik, dtg dari Allah kan..sorry..lost count..are u into your 2nd trimester or already?..ehee..ok..take care Mas and eat well..needless to say , rest well too..terbayang2 muka Mas ni tgh berseri2 eh:)oh..ya..i have a recipe site created..nothing so vundervah lah..lauk2 harian simple2 jer...kalo interested. meh..gi sini..
hugs to you Mas!...

SimplyMas said...

Kak Teh: ONe thing about the sofa, once you sat on it, you never wanna get up!!! Susah betul!!! Silap-silap boleh tertidur at the sofa! :D

Cook-etc: Wa'alaikumsalam!!! Wah! Your cooking blog is sooooo delicious!!!! Yah, yah... me on my 2nd Trimester now... So exciting... Alhamdulillah, now the nausea not as bad. Alhamdulillah, kita mesti kena cheerful selalu kan kalau tak nanti anak kita jadi masam macam cuka - tak kena lah dengan mummy dia nih yang senantiasa ceria selalu! Kan, kan, kan??? Hugs to you too!!!

Dato'Has: Thanx for dropping by!! Hee hee!!! Orang pompuan pun manusia jugak kan cuma yang lain tuh kalau kentut demure and silent, kita jer nih yang not so lady!!! Hee hee! Malu seh!!! InsyaAllah, Harap anak yg dikandung tuh anak kita yg soleh... Amin... Thanx!!!

Anonymous said...

Mas, my apologies for not visiting you!!! Haven't forgotten you, u know :) I'm putting aside an hour today for blog hopping - need to do this more often.

Wow, a nice new item for the livingroom!!! I'm banned from huge couches coz I end up having that as my bed :D But please do enjoy it for me!!

Hopefully your dream comes true :) I had a similar dream that made me wake up to euphoria. It happened in 97 and I still remember it to this day. Will see how lah :)

Ok dear, do take care of yourself!!

Kay said...

Hi Mas,

Hope u r doing fine rite now, this moment. Its been a while since u last updated, hope u r not feelin' lazy..get up..on ur feet...on ur feet..hee

Sorry for not visiting u quite sometime, I was ultimately super duper busy, so many things happen without notice and needed attention urgently, I hope u r not mad at me...isk isk

I wish u all the best and great health during ur pregnancy, may it be as easy as 1-2-3...haha

See you around, hugs n kisses to u sis. Take care.

bunkerangs said...

gosh..it seems like ages since i was here last. maklumlah i selalu go to the multiply site :) anyway, it's good to see that you are doing okay. aside from the farting episodes..hehehe...i guess all is well eh? oh dreams can be a wonderful thing aren't they? your dreams and mine are almost similar..i dreamt that sarina has blue eyes too...and according to my hub she did have it at first then her eyes changed colour. :) anyway, you take care okay. hugs.