I've decided to start cross stitching again and so, over the weekend, bought myself these patterns over the internet. In all, it costs me about £28...
Arabian Woman (small frame)
Time Frame to do this: Donno! Maybe 3 months? Maybe Less? This is for me? Need to think... Who should I give this to?????
This I will give it to my Mak to hang it in the kitchen & once it's all done will frame it nicely... Might take me a year, knowing how slow I can be, but by God I will finish it!
(Watching the Trains)
And this is for James uncle, Uncle Dennis as he likes train, so I will stitch this for his Christmas present next year... Yes, I know it's too early but kowing me, I might give him in Christmas 2007 instead! Hee! Hee!
mamiJ , u need patience to do this - and I dont have any! Good luck. and I think one of the bloggers in sentraal station pun suka..see lilhoney i think.
Also, am taking this opportunity to wish you and yours a merry christmas and a properous new year.
These are so pretty! I esp like the kitchen and the train ones. The train looks quite complicated but I'm sure the end result will be absolutely pretty :)
The designs are so nice.. But I tell ya, I also have a cross-stitch with floral design.. It's still unfinished yet.. Almost 10 years now.. Perhaps in another 10 years it will be done.. Insha Allah..
Anyway, hope you finish yours before mine.. Good luck!! ..:)
Kak Teh: Thanks Kak Teh! Will keep that in mind. It does take alot of your time, that's why, the previous project took me about 6-8 months to finish! Thanks for the wishes!
Hartini: Now, I've started the Arab Woman and the train does look complicated but will try and finish it before Christmas this year for James Uncle!
Suriyati: Hee! Hee! I nkow what you mean! I guess when you're busy, there's really no time isn't it? Thanks!!!
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