Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Soy de Inglaterra...

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Time to learn Spanish everyone!

"Hola! Buenas tardes! Encantada de conocerle." (Hi! Good evening! It is nice to meet you)

¿Qué tal estás? (How are you?)

Muy bien, gracias (I am very well, thank you)

Me alegro de verlo (It is good to see you)

¿Qué hora es? (What time is it?)

¿Quién ha hecho esto? (Who did this? Yah! Who did this eh? Did what?)

Necesito una maquinilla de afeitar (I need a razor - why? I donno! Just coz I can! Hee! Hee!)

No funciona el aire acondicionado (The air conditioning is not working)

Puedo contactarle en este teléfono? (Can I contact you on this number? Yah baby!)

¿Podemos acampar en su terreno? (Can we camp in your field?)

Estoy perdido / perdida (I am lost - very lost!)

Café con leche, por favor (Coffee with milk, please)

¿No es éste un diá maravilloso? (Isn't it a lovely day?)

To be Continued... Adiós... Buenas noches everyone!


Anonymous said...

Que tal? *hehee*

I once took up Espanol [Americano] coz I was dating a Latino [no, not Ricky Martin, but I sure wish it was!]. So sexy! Sooo interesting! And so is their culture. The first phrase I learnt was ¿Donde esta el baño? [Where is the bathroom?]

Bought several books, but they're now collecting dust. And so is my vocab of Spanish. Oh well. Hopefully some day I'll pick it up again. Just hate having to know what is female and what is male... nanti tersalah, gay pulak! *hehehee*

Have fun learning! U shouldn't have much problems - almost like Malay, just the gender part lah that is difficult...

madnessinvain said...

How to pronounce "Saya ingin memakan gulai tempoyak ikan patin yang diternak di Sungai Pahang?"


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm bloghopping :D

Apasal eh at the beginning of the sentence ada question mark terbalik? Apakah motive mereka?

Hah, jawab :p

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynn. Errr... think it's so u know the start of the sentence is a question.

Anonymous said...

Hola, Mami? How have you been? I thought I did post a comment here? hmmmm hope you are well....

simplyizzanworld said...

Hi MamiJarum,
Hop my way to you BLOG &
Can I join your class & any fees or not

Till then cheers

SimplyMas said...

Hi all! Sorry for the late reply! When all the comment is been going on, I was already away form my holiday... Will update about the trip soon!!!

Madamde: Yes! Of course you can join my class, free of charge! Tks for dropping by!

Lynn: Entahlah! Diaorang selalu confuse kot? Thanks for dropping by!!

Skater Girl said...

Excelente!! girl!! Tu esta hablar espanoal? unpoco o muchos? Mi esposo y yo hablar espanoal para mi espanoal no mucho senyora para unpoco. okay then.. Adios, hasta luego.

SimplyMas said...

Suriyati!!! Me no understand Espanyol! Must go home and look up for the meaning!!! Muchos Gracias???? Adios!!! Hee! Hee!:D

Skater Girl said...

No problemo mamijarum. tu escribe de espanoal muy bueno!!