Now, for a non-Briton, we ask ourselves, "Who the heck is Mike and why are they so excited when they see Mike's Carpet? Isn't is just another bloke who owns a Carpet store? Hmmmmnn?"
Apparently, Mike is this infamous bloke who owns a carpet store (obviously) and did his own commercial on telly and radio, and so they just want to check out if this Mike is in the store. And yes, there was Mike, on his phone to somebody and excitedly Darling goes, "That's Mike the Carpet man!" And all I can give him was a blank look. No clue as who the heck is this Mike that they were making a big deal about! So anyway, Luc & An were browsing for carpets while me and Hubby were browsing for rugs, and there it was, stood boldly from the rest, I saw my rug! The rug that I wanted to lay on the Dinning room floor... People might think it's horrible but I think it will look great! So, without any persuasion or hesitation or negotiation (the price is right, so no need for negotiation!), with us both agreed to the designs, the width, length, height, colour, we paid it in cash and got ourselves this nice, colourful rug (pictures below!)...
A bit of change...
Nice rug, Mas! Very Southwestern (of USA) design ;)
Tks Nour! I love it too! It suits very well with the living room!!! I'm Loving it! :-P
Sweet! That must've been a great buy! :)
I guess we'll be doing our own carpet shopping next month. Hari Raya is coming...
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