Sunday, March 04, 2007

Me still here!

The pain was all worth it when what we have seems so precious and slowly taking over our lives even though he's only 10 days old... Endless sleepless nights, endless nappy changing, endless feeding... He's starting to breast feed and doing marvelously, Alhamdulillah... It took him numerous attempt but together with our perserverence, patience and constant pray, he did it - we did it and now he's always contented after a good feed...
So, here are some pictures of our son, Luke Mikkhail Walker, born on the 22.02.07 @ 11.49pm, normal delivery but with the help of foreceps unfortunately. I was on labour for 20 hours and the pain was excruciating. I was admitted in the hospital for 4 days before the midwife was satisfied with our progress. It was hard when we got home coz I was panicking all the time and with James also new to this parenthood, we both were sometimes at each other where I snap at him and he snap back and we both just snap, snap, snap... but all is well once the baby has settled himself down.. So all, enjoy the pictures we took. Unfortnately, we didn't have our camera with us when he was born but these pictures were taken few days after he was born. Oh, also James and my mother in law were in the delivery room with me and they witness the miracle birth of baby Luke... Uploading some more on my fotopages... Will Update them!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the arrival of the beautiful one! Welcome to the world Luke.


Ely said...

congratulations! hes gorgeous!!!

happy no sleeping, breastfeeding, nappy changing and most of all being a mommy!!! banyak bersabar okay...


Meraq said...

Congratulations! lawa dan handsome anak bujang darah campuran. Alhamdulillah. Semuga mom and baby sihat.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new born baby. Am so happy for you.


Husain n Co. said...

Alhamdulillah and congratulations Mas and James for the healthy bundle.I can't wait to see his eyes..He is one handsome boy really! Mas sihat?..Banyak bersabar ok Mas..all moms go thru that and James will manage ok...Enjoy your baby and happy mommying!Lotsaluv..ksri

Anonymous said...

mas, congrats to u & james... baby comel nya... one hensem boy! take care ya.... upload more pics soon! :)


Anonymous said...



Will come and visit you in the very near future...


Yara said...

Congrats Mas & James. May Allah swt bless all of you with little Luke now part of your wonderful family. Hope to see the handsome boy in person some day.

SimplyMas said...

Thank you friends for your kind well wishes! I do apologise for not being able to update more but I will definetely do it whenever I have the time... Never thought that it's going to be this hard but at the end of the day, it's all worth it isn't it!? Anyway, at the moment he's having weird sleeping and feeding habits which is hard to keep up with and sometimes endless sleepless nights but its all temporary! Loving every moment of motherhood and fatherhood for the daddy too for sure!!! Will upload more photos soon!!! Thank you again!

Prince Romp said...

Thank goodness..!!
Oh boy, u suffered 20 long hours in labour pain but syukur everything happened to be okay.

Congratulations and welcome to parenthood..

So wat will Luke Mikkhail Walker be calling u and James? Mummy, mama, mom or emak? Daddy, pup, papa or Pak james? hee hee

Is your new born baby a Jedi?
Just kidding Mas..

ps: Cepat2 bawak balik sini, so kita dapat dukung2.

bunkerangs said...

congrats mas :) he is so lawa :) anyway..whatever pain and snap snap snaping that went the end it was all worth it kan..hehe

Anonymous said...

Mas and James!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a handsome lil boy!! I bet he's grown up now - 2 weeks later *hehee*

Please keep us updated with pix and news - I know I'm slow here, but... just keep us updated!! ;)

Ok, happy parenting!! Take care and stay well!

Husain n Co. said...

lama2 baru perasan nama tu spesel sikit..Luke Mikhail Walker eh?
Kalo Luke Sky Walker very the star wars ah!eheee...he is handsome..Mikhail that is...

Anonymous said...

lamanya x update blog? eheheh anyway just wanna wish u happy mother's day.... have a great one...