Thursday, September 22, 2005

From Anonymous...

"Politely walk away from "friends" who don't support your goals...
The people with whom you associate will change your life
If you Associate with cynics,
they'll pull you down with them
If you Associate with people who support you in being happy and successful,
you will have a head start on being happy and successful.
As you choose who you are going to associate with, be deliberate.
Let there be sense of design to what you do.
Consciously choose to be with people who make you happy
rather than people who drag you down.
Happiness is a choice.
Don't participate in the negative gossips
becuase it's the only game in town.
It will only drain your energy
and stifle your own optimism...
Enthusiasm for life is contagious
and being in a relationship with an optimist
open us up to see more & more of life's possibilities!"

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