Friday, July 14, 2006

Day 68 - 14/07/06, Friday

And so, past few days had been exceptionally good except for yesterday which was Thursday. Reason being I ate something that my tummy couldn’t endure and I can’t really tell what it was but it’s got to be one of the mixed fruits that I bought from Tesco supermarkets… Not once but twice and so I’ve been in and out of the toilet for couple of times… I hope its nothing serious, though today I’m feeling extremely fine, Alhamdulillah. This first trimester, I’ve got to be really careful with what I eat, drink and do… Seems like eating cornflakes every morning does the trick for I’ve been having less nausea and throwing up therefore must keep on eating cornflakes.

Today, I receive a surprise news from my friend Q in India, Mumbai. It seems that she’s 6 weeks pregnant! How wonderful is that eh? Gosh, we were chatting on and on about all the unexpectancy about this and that…. It’s just sp amazing to have someone going through the same early stages with me. We promised each other to keep ourselves updated with each other’s progress and to send pictures of us blooming/blossoming… This is just so exciting but too bad she’s far, far away in India and me far, far away in the UK but we won’t be despair! We’ll support each other in any way we can! So, that’s the good news for today!

One thing for sure, I need to cut down my Chilli intake and drink less fizzy drink though it’s suppose to help me with the nausea… Hmmmm… I need to contemplate on that…

Tomorrow, we’ll be going to Ian’s for Barbeque… I’ll just have the salad thank you very much! Maybe make potato salad! Yummy!


Anonymous said...

Mas, hope you'll feel better soon!!! :) If cornflakes does the trick, then cornflakes it will be, ay? :) Just hope u won't get sick of it too soon. That's great to know you have a buddy! Oh well, the internet will make the two of you feel close :) All the best and enjoy the weekend!

Kak Teh said...

mami, get well and enjoy the BBQ -make sure that the chicken is well done!

Yara said...

Alhamdulillah you are feeling better. Great that you are posting about the progress of your pregnancy here. So, we in faraway Singapore can keep up with the progress and pray for you and the baby's well being.

bunkerangs said...

elo mas..first's great to have a friend that is pregnant at the same time. leh compare notes :) take care okay.:)

SimplyMas said...

Hee hee hee! Thank you all for the beast wishes and care and concern. Wahduh! Weather today is really hot and worse thing there's no air condition in the office except for the lab but me don't want to go in there with my flip flops so we have to suffer in silence... Kipas ada tapi bila on ajer kasi kita nak lelap mata ajer! Susah betul kan? Anyway, will update my blog soon okay??!!! Thanks you all!!! :D